Exmoor Photography Red Deer Rut Special Blog 4

November 01, 2014  •  Leave a Comment














Fog, wind, rain, sunshine and lots of great Red Deer photography, in the stunning surroundings of Exmoor, what more could you want; I love my ‘office’!

We have had another fantastic Red Deer Rut Special Photography Course season here at Exmoor Photography. They ‘officially’ finished for us today, Friday 31 10 2014 (we do have some more booked for early N ovember). Today has been a brilliant end to a very busy month. We had perfect weather, some lovely stags to photograph and great company, in the form of Caz, who worked extremely hard on improving her photography and stalked the deer like a real pro, she listened to all the advice I imparted to her and got some stunning shots, something that particularly impressed me, considering Caz had hired one of our ‘big’ lenses and monopod, which she was using for the very first time. Great work Caz, Jamie and I are so pleased you enjoyed your day, we did too. Please don’t get jealous everyone who has also done the course this month LOL, you all know how grateful and impressed myself and Jamie have been with all your achievements and images , but she really was ‘gold star’ pupil today! LOL

This week has been a bit frustrating at times due to the weather, obviously, something I have no control over, but with patience all round, we eventually got some stalks in and some terrific photographs. In fact for the whole month we have only had to postpone one course and split another into two half days, which although not ideal has satisfied my customers. Thanks everybody for your company this week, well done Bob, Jamie and myself were impressed by your stamina! Thanks Tim for review, they are always much appreciated. Special thanks to Peter and Aneka for ‘splitting’ your day. Well done David and Roy for getting any photographs at all given the difficult lighting conditions and some fog!

Jamie and myself as always have meticulously planned the month and by working closely together before, during and after the stalks have not knowingly disturbed any deer unnecessarily or other photographers, my 2 golden rules.

It has been an absolute pleasure for me to share some memorable moments with new and returning customers during this month’s Red Deer Rut specials, some of whom had until now never seen wild Red Deer Stags let alone photographed them. This year once again, every customer who has attended the course with us has, left with their own photographs of wild Red Deer stags and I hope some special memories of their day.

My thanks to Steve and Anne of the Whortleberry Tea Rooms in Porlock, for supplying the lunches, which were delicious. Thank you Alison my lovely wife for making all the flasks, cakes and of course FLAPJACKS! It will be nice not be getting up at 5.00 am every morning.  And, last but by no means least my thanks to Jamie, who has worked tirelessly stalking the deer this month with our customers, while putting up with my ‘chatter’ on the radios! I think I helped occasionally! Well done mate I know everybody has appreciated your company.

The rut season seems to have flown past this year and I am already looking forward to next years Red Deer Rut Specials here at Exmoor Photography. The Rut season is one my favourites on Exmoor but I am now looking forward to starting the Standard Landscape courses again next week which we suspend during October.

Thanks again everybody, happy days, hope to see you next year.

Rupert ‘Jack’ Clegg owner of Exmoor Photography

To book your 2015 Red Deer Special with Exmoor Photography

please click here



Alternatively, pop into the shop at Porlock, Exmoor Photography, The High Street, Porlock, Somerset, TA24 8PT.    T:01643 862026


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