Exmoor Photography Course, Blog Spring 2015

April 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

The courses have proved popular with both ‘locals’ and visitors during the first 3 months of this year. Alison and I have noticed an increase in ‘local’ people booking the course at this time of year and your support during the ‘off’ season is very much appreciated. I always maintain that Exmoor and West Somerset has loads to offer during the winter months and it has always been one of my favourite times of the year for landscape photography.  Yes, it can be a bit wet and cold at times but we have had some lovely winter sunshine as well, which on clear days gives a beautifully ‘soft’ light for landscape photography on Exmoor.  


We had a great day’s photography course with returning customers father and son Neil and Michael this week. They were one of our first ever customers when we first started the courses. It was great to see them again and I did another detour during the day (for Michaels birthday) to find some Red Deer, which we did. Their first course was memorable because I took them out again at the end of the landscape course day to look for some Red Deer for Michael. We nearly tripped over one of our biggest local stags in full velvet on the way back to the shop! We visited some old favourites and some new location to brush up on their photography skills. I was pleased to see that they were both using manual modes on their cameras! Malmsmead was looking particularly resplendent with spring Daffodils in full bloom adding some colour to an already pretty location for landscape photography.


Our standard landscape photography courses are booking well now for the spring / summer season and we still have some spaces left for our ‘specials’ to book yours please contact Jack or Alison on the following number and visit the website for more information. 


T: 01643 862026


W: www.exmoorphotographycourse.co.uk


Rupert ‘Jack’ Owner of Exmoor Photography




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