Exmoor Photography Course Blog September 2016

September 30, 2016  •  Leave a Comment


Exmoor Photography Course Blog September 2016

(All images & text copyright Exmoor Photography, all rights reserved)

We have reached a small but never the less important milestone today.

50 photography course reviews on Trip Advisor (49 excellent!) & 158 reviews on the website.

Every single one of our customer reviews means so much to me personally and I know Alison and Jamie as well. They are a great indication that we are ‘getting it right’ from the booking stage completed by Alison (and lunches) to Jamie and myself on the course days. I am constantly reviewing the service we provide here at Exmoor Photography and always looking for ways to improve our already popular customer experience.

Of course none of this is possible without our loyal customers booking in the first place, new or returning customers alike it’s is my passion and pleasure helping you with your photography and sharing the delights that Exmoor National Park has to offer. We have also noticed an increase this year not only with our UK customers but also with bookings from overseas visitors as well.

Please except a massive THANK YOU from me (Jack) Alison and Jamie. You have all made this year’s photography courses one of the busiest, most memorable and enjoyable to date. It is not always easy running a small business on Exmoor and West Somerset but we do have a fantastic office!

We are having a short break from courses this week (still in the shop) but we are ready to go with the Exmoor Photography Red Deer Rut Specials that start next week, one of my favourite times of the year. Please note that we have limited the number of RDR courses we are running this season; however, there is still three spaces available now.

Jack & Alison Owners Exmoor Photography


As always to book your courses with us here at Exmoor Photography, please contact Alison who will answer any questions and help with your booking. You can also book and pay by visiting the website here.

Don’t forget we run our photography course all year.

T: 01643 862026

W: www.exmoorphotographycourse.co.uk

W: www.exmoorphotography.co.uk



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