33 photos

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) Hide 2024 blog#5 (final):
‘It’s a wrap’
The hide is now mothballed and I’m already looking forward to next season.
Another successful season with everyone having great sessions, lots of visits and action.
One of my favourites this season was captured by Sally T and Julia H, they were fortunate enough to witness and capture a ‘torpedo’ shot (see blog#4). Not the easiest thing to capture as its over in milliseconds but Sally nailed it! There can sometimes be a split-second clue to the imminent attack but seeing it and hitting the shutter is all about incredibly quick reactions and being in the zone and having the correct settings.
It's such a buzz when clients have a good experience. Hearing the words excellent, brilliant etc when we pick up clients after a session makes all the effort worth it. To be honest, just seeing the expression on some people's faces seeing a Kingfisher for the first time going about its business in front of the hide is a wonderful experience to share.
Thanks to everyone who has behaved appropriately in the hide and followed the morning briefing and suggested camera settings I give everyone, resulting in no disturbance and lots of visits. Ethical wildlife photography is a big part of what we are all about. The birds always come first not the photography.
We would also like to thank Harvey, our eldest son John, Pete S, Roger S and the landowners for their fantastic help and support.
Jack & Alison
Exmoor Photography Ltd
Now Booking 2025 Season


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