Featured Images 2021
Red deer rut: Despite having a busy rut again this year with customers I did manage several days of my own photography. I was delighted to capture these images and even managed some of my stalks which given the state of my legs now was a terrific feeling. Always one of my favourite times of the year on Exmoor and 2021 didn’t disappoint.
Kingfishers: Having watched and photographed Kingfishers all my life it still fascinates me when I see new behaviour that I haven’t witnessed before. I am and probably always will be obsessed with these birds.
Dippers: Another of my favourite, iconic Exmoor birds. They are amazing to watch in their natural environment, while I just sit quietly by the river’s edge. Always interested to watch their territory squabbles and feeding patterns.
Somerset levels: Never fails to disappoint even though I don’t go as much as I would like. I had some amazing experiences with Marsh Harriers, GC Grebes, all sorts of duck and wetland birds and even several sittings of Otters.
Photography Workshops: To book any of our photography workshop or day course with us please contact Alison or Jack on T: 01643 702312 or you can use the following website to book and pay online www.exmoorphotographycourse.co.uk
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